College Girl's Ramblings

Just so everyone can find out what college is really like.


I am a junior English major from Texas who is currently enrolled at MidAmerica Nazarene University

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Spiritual Life Retreat

Spiritual Life Retreat! Woohoo!

Last weekend was Spiritual Life retreat for MNU. This is a picture of us loading up the moving van with everyone's luggage and the sound equipment. It was only a one-night retreat, but the way these people pack, we needed the van! (Oh, and that's me in the Scarlet Pimpernel t-shirt on the left side of the picture.)

We drove to a little campground called Timberlakes about an hour away and unloaded all of that stuff we had just loaded into the van. Rok Jackson, the College Church college pastor, organized a couple of guys to just throw the stuff into a pile on the ground and everyone would come grab what was theirs. Austin Chapman unfortunately got in the way of one of the bags and ended up in the pile.

But don't worry, he got out alright...

The retreat was awesome! It wasn't so much a big spiritual upheaval time as much as a great time to just enjoy my life with God and my friends. I didn't bring a single textbook and had fun playing games and carrying rocks (service project) and worshipping in the services. Dr. Ed Robinson, our college president, came out and spoke at the evening service, and then in the morning service we had communion and a testimony time. Ryan Giffin, the Sunday School teacher, had a message prepared, but he opened it up for testimonies, and we had a good half hour of kids sharing.

Everyone had a great time....

That last picture is of the tabernacle we used. Those tables are for "carpetball" which is sort of like pool only you slide the cue ball up and down the table and attempt to knock the other player's balls off the table. It's a lot more fun than it sounds, I promise.

Anyway, that was last weekend. One of these days I'll find time to get caught up on everyday life on here too.