Life In General
Well, that's Jessica, Leann and me at Chick-fil-A in the $12 tent! That night was so much fun! The next morning, on the other hand......Please note how much smaller the smiles are at 5:45 A.M. Except for Jess, that is - she is rarely without a smile. I was too busy trying to keep from falling asleep on my feet to worry about smiling.
Well, those are the promised Chick-fil-A pictures. As for the rest of my life...hmm, where do I start?
I got my Fine Arts test back last Thursday. I got a 98, because I confused the dates of the Greek Lyric Age and the Greek Golden Age. I know, I know, it's simply scandalous that I didn't remember those - right? ;) I think I can live with a 98 on that test, but I'm shooting for a 100 on next Thursday's test. I'm going to talk to my teacher about giving me a recommendation to be a tutor while I'm still taking the course - I'm practically tutoring half the class as it is.
Last weekend was lo-o-o-oong. I was still recovering from my Wednesday night at Chick-fil-A, and I had to go on the RHG (Residential Hall Government) retreat. The retreat was a blast and very informative (What on earth did I get myself into on this judicial council????) but far be it from me to take a chance to catch up on some sleep. Yep, that's right, I stayed up until 4 AM Saturday morning, and had to get up at 8. I'm brilliant, aren't I? By about 6 Saturday evening I was about to fall asleep standing up. I went to bed at midnight Saturday and slept through the early service of church Sunday.
In my defense, I got up and went to Sunday School, which at College Church is pretty much a service in itself. The only difference is basically the size of the congregation and the fact that Sunday School is more a discussion class than a sermon. Don't worry, I'll be at the service this Sunday and for the rest of the semester. :)
This week has been pretty much boring. I got to watch Much Ado About Nothing Monday night, the Kenneth Branagh version with Emma Thompson and Denzel Washington in it. I think the girl who plays Hero also plays Emma in the A&E movie. Much Ado About Nothing has to be one of my favorite Shakespeare plays, and certainly that movie is my favorite Shakespeare film. Watching it was a great way to end a Monday. My prof wants us to get to see a couple of the plays we're reading about, so we'll be watching another film sometime during the semester. I can't wait.
This weekend is SCOUT for MNU - which is Students Checking Out University Turf. Basically it means that the campus gets invaded for 48 hours by a bunch of high school kids and their adult sponsors. Campus Center becomes Grand Central Station, and those that have a limited amount of time to eat are pretty much out of luck. The students are not particularly fond of SCOUT weekend, but that's how we get the next freshman class recruited. :)
I've got a girl and her mother staying in my room, so I've spent most of the afternoon cleaning and organizing. They should be here sometime between 6 and 9 - which is sad because I have to work in Kresge from 7 to 9. I hope they get here at 6.
With that in mind, I have some homework that needs finishing touches before tomorrow. Guess this is all for now.
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